



NAKIVO v10.8 全新上市|完整支援 VMware vSphere 8

NAKIVO v10.8 全新上市 版本發佈通知

NAKIVO v10.8 隆重上市

新功能說明 New Features in v10.8

Revamped the UI for the Jobs dashboard, improved the UI for the Repositories, Inventory, Nodes, and Tape menus in Settings, and added other minor UI improvements across the board.

完整支援 VMware vSphere 8
Added full support for VMware vSphere 8.0.

An improved backup retention approach is now available for backup and backup copy jobs. This option removes the Retention step in the wizard and allows users to configure retention for each individual schedule directly on the Schedule page in the wizard. Recovery points belonging to jobs using the improved retention approach are automatically assigned expiration dates.

When you update your product version or import a job configuration from an older product version, you can switch to the new approach for old jobs individually and/or configure the product to use the new approach for new jobs by default.

MSP(託管服務提供商) 控制臺
Added the ability to connect to and monitor an instance of NAKIVO Backup & Replication deployed in single-tenant mode from an instance deployed in multi-tenant mode. Once a single-tenant instance is added to a multi-tenant instance as a remote tenant, the master tenant can drill down to the single tenant instance and monitor it from their multi-tenant instance. Remote tenants retain the ability to manage the resources in their data protection infrastructure.

支援 通用 S3 相容儲存體(BETA)
You can add S3-compatible storage accounts to NAKIVO Backup & Replication and create Backup Repositories on these storage devices. Note that this feature is currently in the beta stage.

持續式代理程式 Permanent VM Agent
You can install a VM agent directly on a VM or EC2 instance, which simplifies OS quiescing and file-level recovery to the source machine by eliminating the need to provide credentials for the VM’s guest OS.

工作優先序 Job Priorities
Added the option to set a priority level for a job. Jobs with higher priority levels are prioritized by Transporters during job processing.

合併作業 Job Merging
Added the option to merge multiple jobs of the same type and for the same platform into a single job.

全功能試用 Try All Features
Added the ability for users to try all Enterprise Plus edition features for 15 days for free.

增強 Improvements

  • Virtual Appliances and Amazon Machine Images now use.Ubuntu Server 22.04.
  • Added support for APTARE IT Analytics 11 integration.
  • Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v9.1.


詳細資訊請見 NAKIVO 官網   NAKIVO v10.8 Release Notes

NAKIVO 台灣授權專業代理商
京稘科技為 NAKIVO Inc., 在台灣之授權專業代理商,與專注於虛擬伺服器備份、備援解決方案的軟體商 NAKIVO 緊密合作,引進企業於虛擬環境與雲架構中所需虛擬機備份與異地抄寫的高性能解決方案 ~ NAKIVO Backup & Replication,協助推展 NAKIVO 企業相關解決方案之銷售,並提供在地之專業技術支援及售後服務。

