NAKIVO v10.9 全新上市 版本發佈通知
新功能說明 New Features in v10.9
Bare Metal Recovery
You can recover an entire Windows or Linux OS physical machine to “bare metal” on the same hardware using configured bootable media. This can be done with the help of bootable media, which can be created in the new Bootable Media Wizard. Bootable media can be used to boot a physical machine, connect to your instance of NAKIVO Backup & Replication, and recover the physical machine over the network using a backup in your repository.
Backup Malware Scan
NAKIVO Backup & Replication can use a supported antivirus software installed on a Repository Transporter or designated Scan Server to scan chosen backups during recovery and perform specified actions if malware is detected. Scan Servers may be added directly to the NAKIVO Backup & Replication inventory.
Recovery from Tape Backup
You can recover VMs and EC2 instances directly from tape backups.
Debian Support
Added support for Debian 10 and Debian 11.
External Database for Multi-Tenancy
Added the ability to use an external database for the NAKIVO Backup & Replication Director in multi-tenant deployments.
Expanded Direct Connect Functionality
In addition to the ability to discover remote vCenters and ESXi hosts, Direct Connect can now be used to discover Free ESXi hosts and physical machines (Windows and Linux OS). It is also possible to add and use standalone Transporters installed on NAS systems with Direct Connect.
Tape Capacity
Overhauled the Tape tab UI and added the ability to check tape cartridge capacity and free space in the Tape tab.
增強 Improvements
詳細資訊請見 NAKIVO 官網 NAKIVO v10.9 Release Notes
NAKIVO 台灣授權專業代理商
京稘科技為 NAKIVO Inc., 在台灣之授權專業代理商,與專注於虛擬伺服器備份、備援解決方案的軟體商 NAKIVO 緊密合作,引進企業於虛擬環境與雲架構中所需虛擬機備份與異地抄寫的高性能解決方案 ~ NAKIVO Backup & Replication,協助推展 NAKIVO 企業相關解決方案之銷售,並提供在地之專業技術支援及售後服務。
NAKIVO 是一家總部位於美國的公司,致力於為虛擬、實體、雲端和 SaaS 環境提供備份、勒索軟體保護和災難恢復解決方案。作為業內增長最快的備份和勒索軟體恢復軟體供應商之一,NAKIVO 擁有連續 22 個季度的兩位數成長、5星級線上論壇評論、98%客戶支援滿意度以及全球 6,500 多個合作夥伴。在 162個國家/地區的 20,000 多名客戶信任 NAKIVO 來保護他們的資料,其中包含 可口可樂、本田、西門子、思科等大公司。